Teaching a child to ride a bike

The benefits of cycling for a child are undeniable: such activities can improve the health of the baby, develop all muscle groups, and saturate the body with oxygen. Cycling also develops coordination of movements, the ability to plan your actions and routes.

Many parents prefer to teach their child this exciting and healthy activity as early as possible, but here it is worth remembering the recommended age. So, a tricycle will become a wonderful outdoor toy for kids from 2 years old. You can change to a two-wheeled bicycle at the age of 4-5 years. At the same time, it is very important to buy a bicycle for the child's height, since the disproportion between transport and its operator can be dangerous. What are the first steps of a parent who wants to teach a child to ride?

First of all, you should carefully observe the child: if he is tired or upset, the walk can be postponed to another day. At the very first workout, it is worth allowing the child to simply roll the bike alongside, while it is desirable that he holds onto the saddle and learns coordination. This will allow you to learn basic control of the toy.

The next lesson is to use the bike as a scooter. The child should hold on to the steering wheel, and one foot should be on the pedal, pushing the bike with the whole body. It is important that at this time the parent is on the opposite side and carries out the insurance. If the bike rolls to the other side, the child can stop it with his foot, thereby learning the first leverage skills.

The next lesson brings you as close as possible to mastering the bike. It is necessary to find a high curb and seat the child on the bike completely. The foot on the curb will teach you to push off, while the other foot will be on the second pedal. First, the child rides a bicycle like a scooter, securing himself with the second leg, and then he can ride himself, having previously pushed himself off the curb.

At one point, the baby will be so comfortable to ride that he will strive to make several independent movements of the pedals without assistance. At first, when the child is still not confidently sitting in the saddle, the parent should be nearby and insure. He should also give detailed instructions that driving through puddles and holes is undesirable — the child may fall and be injured. When your little one is completely comfortable with the bike, you can arrange joint family rides.

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